- Mizuho Kanazawa(USA)
金沢瑞穂(みずほ)(アメリカ) - Languages the leader can use
English, Japanese 英語・日本語
We will explore the differences and similarities of Drama Therapy and Playback Theater. I go back and forth between a hat of a therapist utilizing Drama Therapy techniques with individuals and couples in NY, and a hat of a Playback Theater practitioner at our Big Apple PlaybackTheater Company rehearsals and offering workshops and performance. What changes under these hats as a facilitator? What type of space (for clients and audience) are being offered depending on which hat is utilized? We will learn and experience the basic of Drama Therapy and its techniques, and compare and connect it to Playback Theater.
* Maximum number of participants: 20
*最大参加可能人数 20名
Mizuho was born and raised in Japan and currently lives in New York. She is a Senior Trainer at Big Apple Playback Theater, Board Certified Trainer Drama Therapist, and Certified Child Life
Specialist. She graduated from NY University drama therapy Master's program and graduated from the School of Playback Theater in New Paltz. After having worked in both medical and mental
hospitals, she opened up her Drama Therapy and Psychotherapy clinic in 2008, working with children, adults and couples. Mizuho was a guest lecturer teaching Playback Theater to the graduate level
Drama Therapy Students at New York University and counseling students atNew Jersey City University in 2016, as there seems to be an increased interest in the intersection between Playback Theater
and clinical counseling. Mizuho enjoys her morning ritual of making green tea every morning. Looking forward to meeting with you at the workshop!
日本に生まれ育ち,現在ニューヨーク在住。Big Apple Playback Theater劇団のシニアトレーナー。