H05-Strange and Wonderful Conveniences: Cross-Cultural Communication;所変わればトイレも変わる-プレイバックシアターで異文化交流


  • Aki KOMORI (Japan);
  • Languages the leader can use
    English & Japanese 英語・日本語


 The purpose of the workshop is cross-cultural communication. Have you ever been surprised by a toilet without a door? Or, mesmerized by a “state of the art” Japanese toilet? Through encountering stories told by people who have different mother tongues you may realize unexpectedly your own cultural identities. You, with your own custom and culture, are going to be one of the essential elements of this program. Our stories connect each other through “the experience”, such as being surprised by difference, impressed by something we have in common and so on. Playback Theatre is one of the best tools to help people engage in meaningful dialogue. Let’s talk to each other about our present, past and future. There will be learning, different from that which we can get through the internet, TV or Newspaper. We can create 3 special days full of adventure and exploring.



Faculty of School of Playback Theatre Japan(SPTJ). I take an active part in Playback AZ as a conductor, actor and musician. I am invited by groups from all over Japan to give guidance and supervision. I taught “Becoming a fearless and confident musician” in the world conference in Montreal in 2015 and taught an international course in SPTJ in 2016. I am an occupational therapist and apply Playback Theatre to the course of education for occupational therapy students. I am also a mother of 3 children and provide workshops for mothers and kids in my local community.
