H06-Embodying taboos in Playback Theatre;プレイバックシアターにおけるタブーの表現


  • Yee Ki NG (Hong Kong);
  • Languages the leader can use
    English & Cantonese & Mandarin 英語・広東語・北京語


 The group aims at exploring the embodiment of taboos (e.g. sex and violence issues) in

Playback Theatre. It facilitates the participants to share and exchange how they enact these

issues on stage in their cultural context, so that we could learn from one another’s experiences. Besides, I hope to share some techniques that might be useful on stage, as well as exercises that I found useful in enhancing capacity in embodying taboos in training. Indeed, I wish this group can offer a space for us to serve one another with playback.



 Kiki Ng joined Encounter Playback Theatre in 2010 and now the Associate Artistic Director of the team. She is going to finish her Leadership by July 2017. She frequently performs with her team, and teaches playback for various communities, including intellectual disability and physically challenged groups. She has been invited to different parts of Mainland China to lead playback workshops for both practitioners and non-practitioners. Kiki is also a theatre and community arts practitioner. As an actress, a playwright, a songwriter and a researcher, she devotes herself in different forms of storytelling, and believes that would brings changes to the World. As a facilitator of playback theatre, community music and circle painting, she seeks to provoke people to embrace their creativity, identities and communities through artistic means. 
