H07-Authenticity and Freedom in Playback Theatre;プレイバックシアターにおけるオーセンティシティと自由


  • Eddie YU  (Hong Kong);
  • Languages the leader can use
    English & Cantonese & Mandarin 英語・広東語・北京語


 Playback Theatre offers a platform for stories to be told and heard, to be performed and witnessed. It is wished the audience members and the performers can have an authentic encounter, meeting each other not only face to face but heart to heart. By the time we leave the theatre, we feel connected, enlightened, empowered, inspired and maybe challenged. We are filled with feelings and thoughts.

In this homegroup, we would like to experience the power of authenticity so to create an open environment for meeting and sharing. Together we learn to listen to ourselves and each other, to notice our feelings, thoughts and body, to find our pacing with own self, other performers as well as audiences so that we can be free and authentic.

Who we are, who we are not, we find out from our similarities and differences, and hopefully still we can comfortably be ourselves. 



 余漢傑 Eddie Yu MA DMT, RDT, DvT, BSW, RSW, PTG

Eddie is Founder and Artistic Director of Encounter Playback Theatre, Hong Kong, co-Director of School of Playback Theatre (Hong Kong), Leadership Graduate of Centre for Playback Theatre. He used to be a Playback Trainer and Leader at HKBGCA, one of the biggest NGOs in Hong Kong serving children, young people and families, as well as the host of Asia Pacific Playback Theatre Conference 2015. Eddie works as honorary lecturer and placement supervisor at Department of Social Work, The University of Hong Kong, and private practice therapist and/ or trainer in Drama Therapy, Playback Theatre, Forum Theatre/ Theatre of the Oppressed, Psychodrama and use of drama in working with people. 

 香港の「エンカウンタープレイバックシアター」の創立者で芸術担当。スクールオブプレイバックシアター香港の副校長,Centre for Playback Theatreリーダーシップ卒業。青少年と家族のための香港最大の非政府組織の一つであり,アジア太平洋プレイバックシアター大会2015を主催した香港少年少女クラブ協会で,プレイバックの講師とリーダーを務めた。香港大学ソーシャルワーク学科の非常勤講師,実習指導者である。ドラマセラピー,プレイバックシアター,フォーラムシアター,抑圧者のシアター,サイコドラマ,人と関わる場面でのドラマの活用における自営のセラピスト及び講師である。