- The Clark Memorial International High School Playbackthetre seminar (Japan)
クラーク記念国際高等学校 プレイバックシアターゼミ(日本) - Languages the leader can use
English, Japanese 英語・日本語
The Clark Memorial International High School, Tokyo Campus, has many seminars for career education. All students must choose one of 24 seminars, and they study their own favorite contents. Of those choices, the playback theatre seminar, is one of the most popular classes. Last year, 35 students, from first to third year, went to the Japan Playback Theatre Conference. One of their most rewarding experiences was performing for a group of elementary school students. For the first 20 minutes, we will explain the importance of playback theatre and what high school students actually do in playback. After that, our students will show an example of our daily practices, and then do a performance.
Clark Memorial International High School was established in 1992. The school's educational slogan is “Boys, Be Ambitious.” Our school principal is Yuichiro Miura, who has climbed Mt. Everest three times. Just like our principal, the students at Clark also try their hardest to achieve their goals. The playback theatre seminar is a very popular class at the Clark Memorial International High School, Tokyo campus. Every week, we deepen our understanding of how we can express ourselves through improvisational plays.
クラーク記念国際高等学校は1992年に開校,「Boys, Be Ambitious」の言葉で知られるクラーク博士の精神を教育理念としたクラーク家から認められた唯一の教育機関であり,全国に教育を展開している。校長は開校以来,エベレスト3度目の登頂に成功した三浦雄一郎が務めており,クラーク生と共に数々の夢に挑戦してきている。中でも東京キャンパスではプレイバックシアターを学ぶ人気のゼミ授業があり,毎週再現劇を行いアクティブラーニングや表現教育を通じて実践的な学びを深めている。