D2-pos4-Raising Playback Theatre in Spain;スペインでのプレイバックシアターの旗揚げ


  • Ferran Luengo(Spain)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English 英語


 Spain is experiencing difficult political times, with great cuts and high taxes for the cultural activities, even so a strong kernel of applied theatre has been rising during recent years. Of course, playback theatre is one of the forms of applied theatre that started wrapped in shyness. Only four Spanish cities have with organized playback theatre companies: Madrid, Sevilla, Salamanca, and Valencia. Since I'm from the latest, my poster session will be strongly based on our activities being the only Mediterranean playback theatre company.

Our company, Teatro Playback Inestable, started three years ago from the postgraduate theater studies in education whihch is currently upgraded to applied theatre master's degree studies at Valencia University. Through these years, we have been working with many social groups. We have played for children from low profile schools and also for high schoolers. We have shown the value of playback theatre to university students struggling to become teachers and social workers. Also, we performed at civic centers and for cerebral palsy patients. Overall, we just feel that our work has just started.

In this poster session, I would like to show what we have achieved.



 Actor, pedagogue artist, improviser, playwright, postgraduate in applied theater studies and technical engineer, Ferran dove into theatre when he was a university student, 17 years ago, and he could not let go. In his training process, which never ends, he has worked several scenic disciplines such as clown, improv, singing and, of course, acting. He is one of the founding members of "Teatro Playback Inestable" from Valencia. He is involved in the improv scene and also acts, directs and writes in his company Laspontània Teatre. He holds improv workshops for teenagers and theatre workshops for eldery women.
