D2-pos5-Playback theatre workshop for people who support of children with disabilities;発達支援に関わる人を対象としたプレイバックシアターワークショップの試み


  • Chikako Koyama(Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 We conducted two playback theatre workshops for a total of 39 people who support children with disabilities. The first workshop included 20 participants and the second workshop included 19 participants. Participants in these workshops were school teachers, nursery school teachers, child counselors, child psychologists, speech-language-hearing therapists, occupational therapists, and pediatricians. After the workshop, all participants answered a questionnaire. Thirty eight of the 39 participants answered that it was “fun” and all participants answered that they were “satisfied”. On the other hand, two participants answered that they experienced “mental distress”. Thirty four of the 39 participants answered, “I found my new internal aspect,” 37 participants answered, “I have found a new internal aspect of other participants,” 35 participants answered, “I became friends with other participants.” Several participants gave the following free opinions; “I felt a sense of commonality in various situations;” “I shared my experience with others and made it easier;” “I felt various drama in our life;” “I have to meet with playback theatre workshop in order to get over my difficulties.” Participants listened to the stories of others with similar experiences, shared their feelings, and, as a result, they got the opportunity to look back on their experiences.



 I am a member of C-ma C-ma. I will take a practice course in school of playback theatre Japan this year. I work in the department of Occupational Therapy at a university and I am trying to introduce playback theatre into occupational therapy education, and support groups for children with disabilities.

 劇団しましまの劇団員として活動中。今年はスクール・オブ・プレイバックシアター プラクティスを受講する予定。大学で作業療法士養成教育に従事しており,学生の臨床実習後のセミナー等にプレイバックシアターを導入している。同時に,子供たちや発達支援に関わる人々にもプレイバックシアターを導入しようと模索中。