D2-W2-Encountering Playback Theatre through Psychodrama: Acting with Emotional Depth;サイコドラマを通してのプレイバックシアターとの出会い:感情を深く演じる


  • Anne Chua(Singapore) & Tin Yan Chan(Hong Kong)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English 英語


 Usually, it is easy to act out the important characters in a story literally. Do you feel stuck in acting out some of the roles in playback scenes? Do you have difficulty in deepening these roles? Through psychodramatic methods, you will be able to access the emotional truth of the story. This workshop aims to develop your acting skills to concretize a character with emotional depth. Through reflection of our current ways of acting, you can learn some new skills in accessing the different layers of a character in a variety of psychodramatic exercises. Come join us for a journey of exploration and learning and discover for yourself a new experience of acting!



 Anne Chua has been a conductor, actor and musician in various performances for Tapestry Playback Theatre (Singapore) since 2002. She graduated as a Playback Leader from the School of Playback Theatre (New York) in 2007. To date, she has conducted several Family Life Education workshops, social skills workshops, drama-related camps, and family day events using Playback Theatre. She is currently a senior psychodrama trainee with the London Centre for Psychodrama since 2013. She is keen to empower people to find and develop their strengths and enable them to have a better work-life balance. 

Chan Tin Yan joined Encounter Playback Theatre (Hong Kong) in 2010, and is now the treasurer and an active member of the team. Actively involved in performances invited by schools, corporates, hospitals and non-government organizations. He also had rich experience in working with various trainers in workshops of Playback Theatre in both local and international settings. Trained under the London Centre of Psychodrama since 2013, and is currently a senior psychodrama psychotherapy trainee. Interested in helping actors to broaden their skills in using the theatre as an act of service.
 アンチュアは,2002年から,Tapestry Playback Theatre(シンガポール)の様々な公演で,コンダクター,アクター,ミュージシャンを務めてきた。2007年,Shool of Playback theater(ニューヨーク)のリーダーシップを卒業。これまで,家庭生活教育ワークショップ,ソーシャルスキルワークショップ,ドラマキャンプ,家族の日のイベントでプレイバックシアターを行なってきた。2013年から,サイコドラマロンドンセンターの指導者。人々が自身のストレングスを見つけ育て,よいワークライフバランスを持てるよう,エンパワーすることを強く望んでいる。

チャンティンヤンは,2010年にEncounter Playback Theatre(香港)に参加し,現在ではチームの会計であり積極的なメンバー。学校,企業,病院,NGOに招かれての公演に積極的に参加してきた。様々な指導者による国内外のプレイバックシアターワークショップの経験が豊富である。2013年からロンドンサイコドラマセンターで訓練をうけ,現在サイコドラマサイコセラピーの研修を受けている。アクターが劇場においてスキルを広める手助けをすることに関心がある。