D3-W5-Supervision with Psycodrama;サイコドラマによるスーパーヴィジョン


  • Yasushi Sakurai(Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English,日本語 英語・日本語


 While you are performing Playback Theatre, you might find roles, acting, and feelings which you are good at in enactment. On the other hand, you might find roles, feelings which you are not so good at picking up and acting, which your colleagues might mention “you act as always.” You might not feel so far, but might find an enactment didn’t work well. When you are the conductor, you might find stories which you can’t properly listen to. In this workshop, we are going to look into the moment by using psychodrama techniques and find the personal themes as well as the solution of the moment. This workshop best suits, but is not limited to, the playback practitioners who belong to a company and who have regular rehearsals and/or performances.



 Board member of Japan Psychodrama Associatiation and Tokyo Psychodrama Association. Certified Psychodramatist, and Senior member of Playback Theatre Project Knock-on. Right after finding Psychodrama, he met Jonathan Fox and has been engaged in PT in a variety of settings for more than 30 years. In this period, we founded Playback AZ with Kayo, was on the Board and was the Vice President of IPTN to bridge Playbackers all over the world.
 日本心理劇学会理事,東京サイコドラマ協会(TPA)理事,認定サイコドラマティスト。プロジェクトノッコンメンバー。サイコドラマとの出会いの直後にジョナサンに出会い,以来30年来の知見生かして活動。この間,宗像佳代らとPlayback AZ創設,IPTNの理事,副会長を務める。これらの手法が社会で更に認知が得られ,人々がよりよく生きることができるよう活動している。