- Josephine Lin (Taiwan);
ジョセフィン・リン(台湾) - Languages she can use 使用可能言語
English & Mandarin 英語・北京語
Story as a long form is always a playbacker’s love and fear. We enjoy the freedom of it but also worry we cannot reach the depth or explore the artistry of it. Quite often after a show, one would regret what had been acted or what hadn't been acted, which bring self-doubts and may also block team work in future. Sometimes the core of story gets lost in the chaotic acting…… The aim of this workshop is to explore the theatrical side of playback. Let’s not just act out but be the act of authentic, compassionate and metaphorical. Just like a cup of coffee with sugar and milk in it, mixing three different elements to create a lovely performance! Josephine will use her directing techniques to help PB actors to experiment bravely, learn from mistakes and experience miracles. In two days, instead of feeling isolated, the group would support each other to transcend the fear and reach a real freedom.
- Accredited Trainer of Center of Playback Theatre
- Artistic Director of Even Near in Taiwan
- Chairman for Asian Playback Gathering 2009
- 2011 Graduate of International Storytelling Training (UK)
- 2008 Graduate of Certificated Playback Theatre Leadership Training (NY, USA)
- 2003 MA in Dramatherapy (UK)
Even Near, the first Playback Theatre company of Taiwan, was set up in 2004. As the Artistic Director of Even Near, I concentrate on the artistry of improvisational performance and broaden the concept of Playback Theatre from “Individual Story Telling” to “Group Healing”.
In addition, I also contribute myself as a director and dramatherapist to Woman’s Empowerment Movements in Taiwan. I have advocated V-day projects with local social welfare organizations in past ten years. Finally, Bare Feet Alice was founded, which is the first playback group focusing on gender issue and aiming at empowering victims of violence to voice out for themselves.
- Center for Playback Theatreの国際認定トレーナー。
- 台湾のEven Nearの芸術担当。
- 2009年のアジア大会会長。
- 2011年に国際ストーリーテリングトレーニング(英国)卒業。
- 2008年にリーダシップ(米国)卒業。
- 2003年にドラマセラピーで修士号取得。
台湾初のプレイバックシアター劇団「Even Near」を2004年に設立。芸術担当として,即興パフォーマンスに専念し,プレイバックシアターを「個人のストーリーテリング」から「集団の癒し」へと拡大した。さらに,台湾における女性のエンパワメント運動では,指導者としてドラマセラピストとして貢献している。過去10年間,地域の社会福祉団体と共に,V-dayプロジェクトに取り組んでいる。ジェンダー問題に焦点を当てた最初のプレイバックグループである「裸足のアリス」の設立に携わり,暴力被害者のエンパワメントを目的とし,自分たちの声をあげる活動を行っている。