Detail of Sessions  分科会詳細

You can check all contents of sessions in order of opening time. It is not limited to the sessions to be held in parallel.



*You can attend oral presentations without pre-registration.




To the people who are to be the first and second hope for the session meeting participation registration which starts and ends from the middle of the scheduled time at Day 1st and 3rd.

Depending on the circumstances of the combination and the result of lottery, we may not be able to participate in the desired subcommittee.

Particularly those who combine participation registration with an oral presentation please be careful.

There is at least one person will translate into Japanese and English in each session. They are not professional translators but help participants who need Japanese or English translation. We also welcome persons who would like to translate as volunteers.








Day 1 - 11/3(Fri;金)

D1-W1-Warm up for spontaneity:  Japanese version 2017;「自発性を高めるウォーミングアップ ~日本バージョン2017~」


  • Playback theatre Waon(Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    Japanese 日本語


 Warm ups in the “space” of Playback Theatre is a necessary step for guiding participants to an “unordinary world”. At first, we will recover from over fatigue and warm our mind and body with joy. Another purpose of the warm up is to know each other and develop abilities for expression and cooperation. Stories will arise much easier after the warm up. Let’s enjoy singing and dancing freely though games and music as if we were children. There are many traditional finger play songs and cultural games in Japan. We will experience them and examine how to use them for warm ups. Let’s create profound warm up exercises by adding your new ideas from different countries.



 Playback Theatre Waon was established in April 2007 by colorful characters who loved Playback Theatre. We started Playback Theatre and studied to create stages that are simple and touching. The name of our company, Waon means harmony of “Wa”. The value is connection of a person to a person. We serve the region of Nakano-ku, Tokyo. We held performances, workshops, and camps to provide heartwarming “time and spaces”. There are three hopes in our name, “Playback Theatre Waon”: 

  • ∞: to hope the eternal possibilities for expression and sharing through freedom from gender differences, age, social roles, and any other restrictions
  • Wa-Sound: to hope to make the sound of harmony of “Wa” which places value on the connection between people. 
  • ♪: to hope to value on sounds of various hearts and resonate the sounds.

 プレイバックシアターをこよなく愛する個性豊かなメンバーが集結し, 2007年4月にカンパニーを結成。 常にプレイバックシアターの原点に立ち返り,シンプル且つ,心に優しく響くようなステージを創り上げたいと研鑽している 。 グループ名である『和音』には,プレイバックシアターを通じて,「人」と「人」との心のつながりを大切にした 『和』のハーモニーを奏でていきたいという願いも込められている。東京都中野区を中心に,パフォーマンスやワークショップ,合宿の主催など心温まる「時間と空間」を提供し続けたいと活動中。 


  • 『∞』とは 性別や年齢,社会的役割,全ての制限から解き放たれ,無限の可能性を追求した表現と共感が生まれますように…。 
  • 『和音』とは 「人」と「人」との心のつながりを大切にした『和』のハーモニーを奏でていきたいと願って…。 
  • 『♪』とは さまざまな心の音を大切に,楽しく響きあえますように…。

D1-W2-Enjoying Playback in the Daily Life;日常生活の中でプレイバックを楽しむ


  • Hsin-chih Chang(Taiwan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Chinese 英語、中国語


 I love playback very much. I like the way we walk, talk, listen, act, and work together when we perform on the stage or while rehearsaling. I want to extend this experience to people who have not yet walked into the theatre, so they  can relieve the magical moment even when they go back to daily life. Since 2015, I have provided the Playback activities and posted them on Facebook every Thursday. I have also invited members to follow the game rule to spend 10 minutes to play with their children, parents, friends, students, co-workers, etc. In this workshop, I will share these activities with you and we will create more activities together.



 Hsin-chih is an untraditional trainer, using experience learning skills, experiential art activities, outdoor activities, and playback skills to provide a learner-centered training program. She is also a free occupational therapist. In 2009, she conducted a training program for the physically and mentally handicapped, allowing them to become the actors and have a performance for their helpers and family members. Since 2015, she has conducted a 12-14 tour performance around Taiwan called ”Playing for love.” She provides playback experience to social workers, therapists, teachers, and more. It’s free to apply the performance, and each performance has a different acting team. The actors come from different areas, and everyone who joins this trip bring something unique. They all love playback, love service, love stories. The performance is not professional, but is very touching. Hsin-chih loves to try different ways and create new paths, she believes “if everyone in the world could enjoy Playback, the world will be so wonderful.” So, she tries hard to let everyone know, understand, and enjoy Playback!


D1-W3-Drama Therapy and Playback Theater;ドラマセラピーとプレイバックシアター


  • Mizuho Kanazawa(USA)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 We will explore the differences and similarities of Drama Therapy and Playback Theater. I go back and forth between a hat of a therapist utilizing Drama Therapy techniques with individuals and couples in NY, and a hat of a Playback Theater practitioner at our Big Apple PlaybackTheater Company rehearsals and offering workshops and performance. What changes under these hats as a facilitator? What type of space (for clients and audience) are being offered depending on which hat is utilized? We will learn and experience the basic of Drama Therapy and its techniques, and compare and connect it to Playback Theater.

* Maximum number of participants: 20

*最大参加可能人数 20名


 Mizuho was born and raised in Japan and currently lives in New York. She is a Senior Trainer at Big Apple Playback Theater, Board Certified Trainer Drama Therapist, and Certified Child Life Specialist. She graduated from NY University drama therapy Master's program and graduated from the School of Playback Theater in New Paltz. After having worked in both medical and mental hospitals, she opened up her Drama Therapy and Psychotherapy clinic in 2008, working with children, adults and couples. Mizuho was a guest lecturer teaching Playback Theater to the graduate level Drama Therapy Students at New York University and counseling students atNew Jersey City University in 2016, as there seems to be an increased interest in the intersection between Playback Theater and clinical counseling. Mizuho enjoys her morning ritual of making green tea every morning. Looking forward to meeting with you at the workshop!
 日本に生まれ育ち,現在ニューヨーク在住。Big Apple Playback Theater劇団のシニアトレーナー。ドラマセラピストとチャイルドライフスペシャリストの資格を持つ。ニューヨーク大学からドラマセラピーの修士号を取得。New Paltzのスクールオブプレイバックシアターを卒業。一般病院と精神科病院で働いた後,2008年にドラマセラピーと心理療法のクリニックを開業し,青少年や大人カップルを対象に実践している。2016年には,ニューヨーク大学の大学院ドラマセラピー課の学生、ニュージャージーシティ大学大学院のカウンセリングを学ぶ学生にプレバックシアター・ドラマセラピーを客員講師として教えたワークショップで皆さんにお会いできることを楽しみにしています

D1-W4-Shining stage with music;輝くステージは音と共に


  • Hiroko Yanagawa(Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    Engish, Japanese 英語、日本語


 A stage will be shining through expanding imagination from a story told and producing harmony of acting and sounds. The experience of making sounds by yourself without musical instruments will remain even after you return to your town. It’s my pleasure to improve your skills as not only a musician, but also an actor and conductor. Let’s enjoy and have a meaningful time together.



 This is Hikari. I received various awards from YAMAHA electric organ competitions. I have studied music through working as an instructor at YAMAHA and moving to the United States when my husband was transferred overseas. I learned “improvisation” through working at YAMAHA. I learned psychology after coming back from the US. Then I became a family consultant and discovered Playback Theatre. I have thought it’s just my way for 17 years. I realize it’s my mission. I’m looking forward to meeting you again.


D1-OP1-Is the story over? Revealing social structure – exploration & finding by application of Palyback on sexual harassment issues;ストーリーは終わったのか?社会構造の顕在化,セクシャルハ

Day1  14:30-15:00

You can attend oral presentations without pre-registration.



  • Shu Hui Chen (Taiwan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English & Mandarin 英語・北京語

  • Chien-Hao WU 吳健豪 (Taiwan);
  • Languages the leader can use
    English & Mandarin 英語・北京語


Is the story over? Revealing social structure – exploration & finding by application of Palyback on sexual harassment issues 

 Even Near cooperated with Taiwan Women Association, using playback to help community residents understand and break myths on sexual harassment issues.  This publication was based on stories from the 5 playback performances in attempt to dwell on the influences & the impact sexual harassment has on Taiwan social structure. From the stories told, we seek to discover what could be different. We hope Playback Theatre can make a great impact on these social issues.



 They are founders of Even Near Playback Theatre. They have worked together with partners in workshop for 12 years. They are dedicated to using theatre forms to explore public issues with school students and community residents.


D1-OP2-How to Prepare a Healing the Wounds of History performance;歴史的行為の傷を癒す準備の仕方

Day1  15:00-15:30

You can attend oral presentations without pre-registration.



  • Janet Zheng (China)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Mandarin 英語・北京語


 How can we use drama to help the actor understand the cruel historical events?

How can we use drama to help actors understand the human nature of the enemy soldiers?

How does a cross-cultural troup give a collaborative performance?

Friends of playback theatre and Playback AZ gave a collaborative performance in 2011. We would like to share our preparation process with you.



 郑春晖, Janet Zheng is a founder and Artistic Director of Friends Playback Theatre, Guangzhou,China. She was attracted to playback theatre very much. She belives people can be connected by deep understanding and love. She graduated from the Centre for Playback Theatre in 2015, and she is the first International Playback Theater Network

China Representative.

 中国の広州にある「フレンズプレイバックシアター」の創立者であり,芸術担当。プレイバックシアターに魅了されている。人は深い理解と愛によってつながることができると信じている。2015年にCentre for Playback Theatreを卒業し,最初の国際プレイバックシアターネットワーク中国代表である。



  • The Grace(Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    Japanese 日本語


 What kind of world is there? It is what you experience. Stories be told. The flow of the words and sounds have been weaved by people’s thoughts since ancient times. They are the messages from our ancestors.

The performance of The Grace receives your feelings that are deep in your heart and difficult to express in words, then returns them with our body and soul. You may see it like dancing. We hope you will just watch with your heart. Important things are tiny feelings too small to be put into words. The world of “Yugen” is a little different world from the common world. We hope to enjoy it together.

*”Yugen world” is an inexpressible subtle suggestiveness.  

 そこには,どんな世界が拡がるのか。それは,あなたご自身で経験いただくもの…。語られるストーリー。その言(こと)の音(ね)の深淵に流れゆくものは,古(いにしえ)の時代から脈々と想い紡がれ続けた,わたくしたちの祖先からの言伝(ことづて)なのかも知れません・・・。  わたくしたちGraceは,お話を語られるみなさまの心の奥深くにひっそりと佇む,言葉に表すことさえも難しいようなお気持ちのひとつひとつを,大切にお預かりし,全身全霊を込めて表現させていただき,みなさまの心の中へお返ししてゆくという方法で,パフォーマンスを行います。それは,まるで,舞を舞っているかのように見えるかもしれません。それを受け留めるそれぞれが描く心像のまま,ただただご覧いただければと思っています。大切なのは,みなさまの声にならないくらい小さなお気持ちのおひとつおひとつであるということ…。いつもとは少し違った,幽玄の世界のプレイバックシアター。みなさまとご一緒できることを切に願っております。



 The Grace has been holding workshops since April 2010. In November 2014, they began their main performance in Nagoya city. Since 2015,We have held workshops and performances over the country. Our expressions are mostly transformed to body language including verbal and nonverbal from the spirit of language.


D1-P2-I ª My First Time;初めてのとき


  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Filipino 英語・フィリピン語


 This will be the first time that Dulambuhay as a group will travel abroad. It will also be the first time that it will be performing outside the Philippines, as well as the first time to perform before an international audience. Also, it will be the first time that the group will perform with Ms. Kayo Munakata as guest conductor. The group is very much looking forward to this new experience. Thus, it is very much fitting to use “I ª My First Time” as the theme for the show. 

We never forget our “first times” – first kiss, first day of school, first crush, first love, first heartbreak and many other firsts. The memories will always be in our hearts and in our minds. We never really move on from that. Most of the time, our lives are very much affected by those experiences; they make us who we are today.   

Dulambuhay wishes to rekindle the past as we look forward to the future. We hope to share with Asia Pacific playbackers memorable stories from yesterday as we also create our own first time in this gathering. We hope to take home with us good “first time” memories from this gathering that we can look back to as we move on towards a bright, hopeful tomorrow. 



Dulambuhay is a play on words in Tagalog, that is, dula ng buhay (drama of life) and dulang buhay (a live theatre). Dulambuhay therefore is both theatre of life and live theatre, a new breath of wind in Philippine theatre. Our mission is to bring back theatre as a living tradition, part of the life system of our people. Playback theatre is part of the repertoire of Dulambuhay. Formerly known as Manila Playback, our group has performed in private functions such as human resource conventions, corporate team building, weddings, birthdays, and other special occasions.


D1-ev1-The view through your window;穏やかな窓辺に憧れて


  • Playback AZ (Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 In a time of rubble, radiation, rage, and violence, we can yearn for a peaceful view through the window--a family at play, looking in. A peaceful scene that extends beyond the horizon, looking out. But the view, in fact, is cloudy, and our dreams are circumscribed by everyday life. Come and share the view through your window—how it is and how you would like it to be.



 Playback AZ

Founded in 1994, Playback AZ is the most prominent playback theatre company in Japan. They produce over 30 performances a year for a wide variety of social causes and venues. The actors have interests in theatre, education, medicine, and social activism. The company is known for its capacity for deep empathy and sensitivity. They are often invited by schools, government, and corporations for training and performances. In 2003, they successfully hosted the IPTN world conference.


D1-ev2-Living with different abilities;違う能力で生きること


  • C-ma C-ma (Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 We know words such as disability, disorder, dysfunction, handicap, and abnormal. But there are many kinds of abilities we have. When we lose one of the functions, the other functions will becom stronger. You can notice new things. Robert Murphy, who was an anthropologist and had quadriplegia, wrote that living with disabilities was like an adventure to a new world in his book, Body Silent. All of us are getting old. It is a journey to find new ways to live with different abilities. We want to share your stories of using different abilities from before.



 C-ma C-ma was established in 2014 by teachers and employees in Prefectural University of Hiroshima and nurses and therapists working in hospitals. Two members completed the practice course in School of Playback Theatre Japan in 2015. Three members will attend the same course in 2017 and 2018. Members of C-ma C-ma use exercises and forms from Playback Theatre as course works for occupational therapy students. C-ma C-ma has workshops and performances several times a year. Director, Hiromi Yoshikawa had an oral presentation in International Playback Theatre Conference in Montréal in 2015. C-ma C-ma had a workshop of health care in a conference in Tokyo, Japan in 2016.


Day 2 - 11/4(Sat;土)

D2-P1-School days;学生時代


  • The Clark Memorial International High School Playbackthetre seminar (Japan)
    クラーク記念国際高等学校 プレイバックシアターゼミ(日本)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 The Clark Memorial International High School, Tokyo Campus, has many seminars for career education.  All students must choose one of 24 seminars, and they study their own favorite contents.  Of those choices, the playback theatre seminar, is one of the most popular classes.  Last year, 35 students, from first to third year, went to the Japan Playback Theatre Conference.  One of their most rewarding experiences was performing for a group of elementary school students.  For the first 20 minutes, we will explain the importance of playback theatre and what high school students actually do in playback.  After that, our students will show an example of our daily practices, and then do a performance.



 Clark Memorial International High School was established in 1992.  The school's educational slogan is “Boys, Be Ambitious.”  Our school principal is Yuichiro Miura, who has climbed Mt. Everest three times.  Just like our principal, the students at Clark also try their hardest to achieve their goals.  The playback theatre seminar is a very popular class at the Clark Memorial International High School, Tokyo campus.  Every week, we deepen our understanding of how we can express ourselves through improvisational plays.

 クラーク記念国際高等学校は1992年に開校,「Boys, Be Ambitious」の言葉で知られるクラーク博士の精神を教育理念としたクラーク家から認められた唯一の教育機関であり,全国に教育を展開している。校長は開校以来,エベレスト3度目の登頂に成功した三浦雄一郎が務めており,クラーク生と共に数々の夢に挑戦してきている。中でも東京キャンパスではプレイバックシアターを学ぶ人気のゼミ授業があり,毎週再現劇を行いアクティブラーニングや表現教育を通じて実践的な学びを深めている。



  • Encounter Playback Theatre 言遇劇團 (Hong Kong)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Chinese 英語・中国語


 Some say happiness ends in a flash; sadness stays eternal. Some say the opposite. Do you have stories that are embeded in your heart? As if they are never-ending,/ ever-occurring; vivid memories and images that flashes back every time you were prompted. And you notice that the past has gone, but the taste lasts. It could be bitter, it could be sweet, it could be strong, it could be weak, sour, disgusting, memorable, prolonged, implicit and something more. How do these stories affect you? Come and set those lingering memories free, let them be heard and be seen.

Encounter Playback Theatre (Hong Kong) will be here for you and your stories. 



 Established in 2009, Encounter Playback Theatre is an artistic group focusing on Playback Theatre. The company enhances their professional standard and practices Playback Theatre with regular rehearsals, performances and open workshops. We believe there is care and connection among people. It is a beautiful blessing for people to encounter each other’s lives through story sharing and dramatic enactment.


D2-P3-First ;初めて


  • Yaya (China)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Chinese 英語・中国語


 How about your first trip, love, job? What do you think of when hear “first” you heard. We will share stories with happy or bad experiences.   

 We will listen to your stories and make a gift for you.



 Yaya was born in 2008. Since 2011, we have participated in the Playback Theatre and continue to practice and perform. We formed a performing team of 6 people who will be performing.


D2-P4-Asian Dream;アジアの夢


  • Knock On(Japan)
  • ノッコン(日本)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 Knock on had a performance with the theme of “Diversity” in the international gathering in Montreal in July 2015. We felt various aspects of society never had thought before through deep stories told there. We hope that “Difference” and “Acceptance” which are elements of “Diversity” will be connected to “Asian dream”. Stories of people from many countries will resonate in your hearts.



 Knock on was born as a project team to support recovery the Great East Japan Earthquake with Playback Theatre. We gather and implement Playback Theatre for our current concept, “Wishing: what we want to do” through several activities. The members are very kind at heart and have passion.


D2-P5-It’s my pleasure!!;どういたしまして


  • Playback You (Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 When you hear the word “Thank you”, how do you feel?  At playback theater, tellers usually say, “thank you,”and show their appreciation.  In the meantime, we, performers, also have great gratitude towards the tellers, and would like to say “It is our pleasure to perform your story.”  In our daily life, we exchange these small gifts of “thanks” to each other.  At this performance session, we would like to convey such “pleasure stories” to you.  And, it is our company’s great pleasure to perform your story and we thank you for your participation.

 「ありがとう」と人から感謝の気持ちを受け取った時,私たちはどのような気持ちになるでしょうか?  プレイバックシアターで演じ終わった時にテラーから「ありがとうございます」と言われると,「大事なストーリーをありがとう,そしてその語りを演じることは「私たちの喜びです!」と感じるときがあります。私たちの日常にはそんな素敵な感謝の気持ちの贈り合いのストーリーがあると思います。「あなたのありがとうは私のありがとう,あなたの喜びは,私の喜び」そんなストーリーを私たちは感謝の気持ちでお届けしたいと思います。プレイバック・ユーはみなさんの大切なストーリーを演じることが何よりも私たちの喜びです。


 “Playback You” was born in October, 1994 in Sapporo, Hokkaido.  All these years, we have been hoping that more people will encounter the playback theater and find the beauty and wonderfulness of it. During the past two decades, Playback You has been supported by the stories told by our team members and others. Our aim is to enrich all people’s lives through playback theater, and to deliver their precious feelings to you.


D2-pos1-Applying Playback Theatre to Companies;企業におけるプレイバックシアターの活用


  • Naohiro Takahashi(Japan)
  • 高橋直裕(なお)(日本)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 Playback Theatre is applied to various settings. However, there are not many cases in the field of human resource development and organizational development in a corporation. 

I will share my challenge of applying Playback Theatre to human resource development and organizational development in a corporation as a consultant. I would like you to share any ideas to realize it.


 I work as a the training provider, at Alue Co., Ltd., and engage in human resource development and organizational development for companies. I explore the possibility of applying playback theatre to companies by leveraging the planning, content-making, and instruction experiences at work and facilitation experiences in the workshops of “Jack Out the Box.” A graduate of School of Playback Theatre Japan. 
 アルー株式会社に勤め,コンサルタントとして企業の人材育成・組織開発に従事している。研修の企画・開発業務や講師登壇,および,課外活動として実施している「Jack Out the Box」でのファシリテーション経験も活かしながら,企業におけるプレイバックシアターの活用を探究している。スクール・オブ・プレイバックシアター日本校リーダーシップコース卒業。

D2-pos2-Dulambuhay Acts;ドゥラムブハイの演劇


  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Filipiino 英語・フィリピン語


 In this poster presentation, we hope to introduce Dulambuhay Philippine Playback Theater to Asia Pacific Playback community. We wish to make this poster presentation a platform to encourage exchange of learnings and experiences between Dulambuhay and other playback practitioners in the region. Also, we hope to possibly engage other playbackers in the work of Dulambuhay in the Philippines.



 Dulambuhay Philippine Playback Theatre serves as social mirror as well as a narrative platform for the stories of ordinary people. It seeks to foster solidarity and a healing environment among members of the audience. Formerly known as Manila Playback, our group has performed and conducted workshops in such communities as disaster survivors, women in prostitution, youth and children-at-risk, and in various socio-political gatherings.


D2-pos3-Fostering community welfare using Playback Theatre;プレイバックシアターを活用した地域福祉を考える集い ―住民・専門職らによる地域の支えあいづくりの集いで行うプレイバックシアターの試み―


  • Mari Okada(Japan)
  • 岡田麻里(まりまり)(日本)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


We conducted a workshop on playback theatre and a performance for community members and care providers of the elderly. The 90-minute workshop conducted in the morning included mapping, mirroring, and storytelling. The participants were care providers working with the elderly in the community. The 90-minute performance that followed in the afternoon included moving sculpture, pairs, and stories. The average age of the 13 participants in the workshop was 55.0 (SD=10.0) years. Twelve participants said that “It (the workshop) was fun” while one participant said “It (the workshop) was painful.” The free opinions included “felt the importance of opening one’s mind and getting close to each other,” “felt close to the storyteller,” “useful to understand the caregivers of the elderly.” The average age of the 24 members in the audience for the performance was 56.4 (SD=14.4) years. Of them, 23 expressed positive impressions, including the following free opinions: “It was easy to understand and share the storytellers’ feelings,” “the storyteller created an atmosphere such that everyone in the audience was able to understand.” Playback theatre would be able to use for educating community members and care providers of the elderly.



I started Playback theatre as a member of C-ma C-ma from September 2016, after being as a trainee member in April 2015. I participated  the course; "Heart of Story", "Core training", "Playback theater in English".  I work in the Department of Nursing at the University, specialized Home Care Nursing. I explore the Playback theatre for using to educate and promote collaboration among community care providers and people. 


D2-pos4-Raising Playback Theatre in Spain;スペインでのプレイバックシアターの旗揚げ


  • Ferran Luengo(Spain)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English 英語


 Spain is experiencing difficult political times, with great cuts and high taxes for the cultural activities, even so a strong kernel of applied theatre has been rising during recent years. Of course, playback theatre is one of the forms of applied theatre that started wrapped in shyness. Only four Spanish cities have with organized playback theatre companies: Madrid, Sevilla, Salamanca, and Valencia. Since I'm from the latest, my poster session will be strongly based on our activities being the only Mediterranean playback theatre company.

Our company, Teatro Playback Inestable, started three years ago from the postgraduate theater studies in education whihch is currently upgraded to applied theatre master's degree studies at Valencia University. Through these years, we have been working with many social groups. We have played for children from low profile schools and also for high schoolers. We have shown the value of playback theatre to university students struggling to become teachers and social workers. Also, we performed at civic centers and for cerebral palsy patients. Overall, we just feel that our work has just started.

In this poster session, I would like to show what we have achieved.



 Actor, pedagogue artist, improviser, playwright, postgraduate in applied theater studies and technical engineer, Ferran dove into theatre when he was a university student, 17 years ago, and he could not let go. In his training process, which never ends, he has worked several scenic disciplines such as clown, improv, singing and, of course, acting. He is one of the founding members of "Teatro Playback Inestable" from Valencia. He is involved in the improv scene and also acts, directs and writes in his company Laspontània Teatre. He holds improv workshops for teenagers and theatre workshops for eldery women.


D2-pos5-Playback theatre workshop for people who support of children with disabilities;発達支援に関わる人を対象としたプレイバックシアターワークショップの試み


  • Chikako Koyama(Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 We conducted two playback theatre workshops for a total of 39 people who support children with disabilities. The first workshop included 20 participants and the second workshop included 19 participants. Participants in these workshops were school teachers, nursery school teachers, child counselors, child psychologists, speech-language-hearing therapists, occupational therapists, and pediatricians. After the workshop, all participants answered a questionnaire. Thirty eight of the 39 participants answered that it was “fun” and all participants answered that they were “satisfied”. On the other hand, two participants answered that they experienced “mental distress”. Thirty four of the 39 participants answered, “I found my new internal aspect,” 37 participants answered, “I have found a new internal aspect of other participants,” 35 participants answered, “I became friends with other participants.” Several participants gave the following free opinions; “I felt a sense of commonality in various situations;” “I shared my experience with others and made it easier;” “I felt various drama in our life;” “I have to meet with playback theatre workshop in order to get over my difficulties.” Participants listened to the stories of others with similar experiences, shared their feelings, and, as a result, they got the opportunity to look back on their experiences.



 I am a member of C-ma C-ma. I will take a practice course in school of playback theatre Japan this year. I work in the department of Occupational Therapy at a university and I am trying to introduce playback theatre into occupational therapy education, and support groups for children with disabilities.

 劇団しましまの劇団員として活動中。今年はスクール・オブ・プレイバックシアター プラクティスを受講する予定。大学で作業療法士養成教育に従事しており,学生の臨床実習後のセミナー等にプレイバックシアターを導入している。同時に,子供たちや発達支援に関わる人々にもプレイバックシアターを導入しようと模索中。

D2-pos6-Education to stop bullying;いじめ防止授業


  • Kumiko Sato (Kumi)
  • Languages the leader can use
    Japanese 日本語


 Playback AZ I belong to has involved education to stop bullying at elementary and junior high school through active learning. Students think and seek resolutions through Playback Theatre. The class is interactive, voluntary, collaborative, and practical. It is different from ordinary classes. In this poster presentation, our educational method and practice will be presented for more than 10 years. It has been change to apply for Japanese based on practices at elementary schools in New York.



 Kumiko Sato is working as a member of Playback AZ. She was a former teacher. She is a therapist of family constellation. She uses Playback Theatre methods in a class for university students and skill up courses for industrial counselors. She is a trainer of School of Playback Theatre Japan.


D2-W1-Contact Improvisation X Playback Theatre;コンタクトインプロヴィゼーションとプレイバックシアター


  • Jerry Chen(Taiwan)
    陳 正一(ジェリー)(台湾)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English 英語


 This is an exchange lab for those experienced in contact improvisation dance and playback theatre. We are here to dance, jam, share our CI experience together, and find some contact improv skills and concepts we can use in playback theatre performances. We welcome people  interested in contact improvisation to join and play with us.

 これは,コンタクト・インプロヴィゼーション(CI)ダンスとプレイバックシアターを経験した人たちのための交流実験です。 私たちはここで,ダンス,ジャム,CI体験を共有したり,プレイバックシアターのパフォーマンスで使うことができるコンタクトインプロのスキルやコンセプトを見つけようとしています。コンタクト・インプロヴィゼーションに興味がある方を歓迎します。一緒にやってみましょう。



Jerry Chen is the founder and a Co-Artistic Director of What’s Play Theatre, Taiwan. He graduated from the Centre for Playback Theatre in 2013. He is very attracted to contact improvisation and applies it in playback training. He likes contact improv as well as body awareness and development in improvisational movement.

陳 正一 は,台湾の仲花枝玩劇団を創設し,共同芸術監督を務めている。 東海大学講師, 2013年にプレイバックシアターセンターの卒業生。彼はコンタクト・インプロヴィゼーションに非常に魅了され,プレイバックシアターに応用している。 インプロヴィゼーションの動きにおける身体の意識化と発達と同様に,コンタクト・インプロヴィゼーションを好んでいる。

D2-W2-Encountering Playback Theatre through Psychodrama: Acting with Emotional Depth;サイコドラマを通してのプレイバックシアターとの出会い:感情を深く演じる


  • Anne Chua(Singapore) & Tin Yan Chan(Hong Kong)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English 英語


 Usually, it is easy to act out the important characters in a story literally. Do you feel stuck in acting out some of the roles in playback scenes? Do you have difficulty in deepening these roles? Through psychodramatic methods, you will be able to access the emotional truth of the story. This workshop aims to develop your acting skills to concretize a character with emotional depth. Through reflection of our current ways of acting, you can learn some new skills in accessing the different layers of a character in a variety of psychodramatic exercises. Come join us for a journey of exploration and learning and discover for yourself a new experience of acting!



 Anne Chua has been a conductor, actor and musician in various performances for Tapestry Playback Theatre (Singapore) since 2002. She graduated as a Playback Leader from the School of Playback Theatre (New York) in 2007. To date, she has conducted several Family Life Education workshops, social skills workshops, drama-related camps, and family day events using Playback Theatre. She is currently a senior psychodrama trainee with the London Centre for Psychodrama since 2013. She is keen to empower people to find and develop their strengths and enable them to have a better work-life balance. 

Chan Tin Yan joined Encounter Playback Theatre (Hong Kong) in 2010, and is now the treasurer and an active member of the team. Actively involved in performances invited by schools, corporates, hospitals and non-government organizations. He also had rich experience in working with various trainers in workshops of Playback Theatre in both local and international settings. Trained under the London Centre of Psychodrama since 2013, and is currently a senior psychodrama psychotherapy trainee. Interested in helping actors to broaden their skills in using the theatre as an act of service.
 アンチュアは,2002年から,Tapestry Playback Theatre(シンガポール)の様々な公演で,コンダクター,アクター,ミュージシャンを務めてきた。2007年,Shool of Playback theater(ニューヨーク)のリーダーシップを卒業。これまで,家庭生活教育ワークショップ,ソーシャルスキルワークショップ,ドラマキャンプ,家族の日のイベントでプレイバックシアターを行なってきた。2013年から,サイコドラマロンドンセンターの指導者。人々が自身のストレングスを見つけ育て,よいワークライフバランスを持てるよう,エンパワーすることを強く望んでいる。

チャンティンヤンは,2010年にEncounter Playback Theatre(香港)に参加し,現在ではチームの会計であり積極的なメンバー。学校,企業,病院,NGOに招かれての公演に積極的に参加してきた。様々な指導者による国内外のプレイバックシアターワークショップの経験が豊富である。2013年からロンドンサイコドラマセンターで訓練をうけ,現在サイコドラマサイコセラピーの研修を受けている。アクターが劇場においてスキルを広める手助けをすることに関心がある。


D2-W3-Conversation: Acting Out Violent Stories in Non-violent Form;対話;暴力的なストーリーを暴力的でない形で演じる


  • Joe Louie Agoncillo Lavaro, Gia Marie Sumcio Ensima, Mar Zeus Miranda Katigbak and Ann Katherine Corpuz (Philippines)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English,Filipino 英語・フィリピン語


 Playback theatre can help the teller heal wounds from the past. Though it is not a form of psychodrama, it helps people recognize the significance of their stories, reach catharsis and move on. “Conversations” is a playback theatre form developed by Dulambuhay Philippine Playback Theatre . This form needs a minimum of 3 actors on stage and 3 chairs as props that help to highlight the violent story enacted in a non-violent form. 

*Maximum number of participants: 24




 The four presenters came from the first batch of apprentices of Dulambuhay Philippine Playback Theatre. All of them studied Education with emphasis on Speech and Theater Arts at the Philippine Normal University. Currently, they are public school educators while finishing their masteral degree on Education  with majors on Drama Education and Theater Arts in the same university.

 発表者の4人は,ドュラムブハイ・フィリピン・プレイバックシアターの最初のメンバーである。全員がフィリピン教育大学(Philippine Normal University)で,スピーチとシアター芸術を重視する教育を研究している。現在は,同大学でドラマ教育とシアターアートの教育修士号を取得しながら,公立学校で教育に携わっている。

D2-W4-Systemic Constellation;システミックコンステレーション体験


  • Misako Watanabe(Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    Japanese 日本語


 Participants will experience the Systemic Constellation, a kind of psychotherapy. Systemic Constellation is a required subject for our company members because we should not have a dangerous bomb inside of ourselves when we express a teller’s sensitive story with an open mind as an actor. There is common feature in the psychotherapy named Systemic Constellation and playback theatre. It is selecting a representative by the client. Focusing on severe facts relating to death and not involving emotions is different from playback theatre. The representatives are necessary for problem solving and they feel emotion and body immediately. The Systemic Constellation approaches to not individual but systems such as  family, schools, companies, and country. This workshop will be useful to re-recognize artistic playback theatre and understand tellers.


 Misako has participated in Playback Theatre since 2004. She graduated from the School of Playback Theatre in Japan. She participated in Asian conferences in Singapore and Taiwan; European conference in Ukraine; and World conferences in Brazil and Canada. She has felt the universal wisdom of human beings beyond countries and cultures. She has had performances more than 100. She also trained in Systemic Constellation since 2004 in Germany and Hong Kong after graduation from the school in Japan.

D2-W5-Group Assessment with Sociometric Means ;ソシオメトリによるグループのアセスメント


  • Yasushi Sakurai(Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 When we start a group - yes, a group is always new, we always start with a means of warm-ups. The leader assesses the group and chooses the steps for the purpose of the group. We often use "Mapping" and "Line" as a part of the assessment. They are part of the techniques of sociometry. In this workshop, we will look into the diversity of sociometric assessments and how to take the advantage of the means to warm up a group.


 Yasushi Sakurai is a Board member of the Japan Psychodrama Associatiation and Tokyo Psychodrama Association, Certified Psychodramatist, and Senior member of Playback Theatre Project Knock-on. Right after finding Psychodrama, he met Jonathan Fox and has been engaged in PT in a variety of settings for more than 30 years. In this period, he found Playback AZ with Kayo, was on Board and the Vice President of IPTN to bridge the Playbackers all over the world.

 日本心理劇学会理事,東京サイコドラマ協会(TPA)理事,認定サイコドラマティスト。プロジェクトノッコンメンバー。サイコドラマとの出会いの直後にジョナサンに出会い,以来30年来の知見生かして活動。この間,宗像佳代らとPlayback AZ創設,IPTNの理事,副会長を務める。これらの手法が社会で更に認知が得られ,人々がよりよく生きることができるよう活動している。

D2-W6-We can do it without something: Hints for raising sensitiveness;We can do it without something ~アクターの感性を高めるヒント~


  • Tomoyuki Kubota (Kubo) (Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 Playback Theatre is one of great art. It needs imagination is one of factors. Imagination of human being makes such an expressive stage with only music instruments, cloths, and chairs. Imagination will fly without something. In this workshop, we devote ourselves to imagination when “something” lack. For example, something will be interrelationships from communication without words, feelings from body movement without emotion, and stories from words without meaning. We will explore the possibilities of expression through games and excises that evoke imagination of audiences and creativity of actors. Unusual sensitiveness will be waked when we close our usual sense such as words and movements. When you get the wings of free imagination and creativity, your expression in Playback Theatre will be lighter and more joyful. People who are bad at English and/or Japanese can participate with ease through exercises using body and sensitiveness. I am looking forward people who want to enjoy with diversity such as a country and culture to participate in this workshop.

 プレイバックシアターは優れた総合芸術です。その要因の一つに想像力を活用があります。楽器と布,椅子。大道具も小道具も照明効果もない簡素な舞台で、これほど豊かな舞台表現が可能となるのは,人間の想像力のなせる業です。すべてを説明されている舞台ではむしろ想像力は発揮されません。このワークショップでは,あえて’何か’が欠けていることによって生まれる想像力を体験しようと思います。例えば,言葉の無い中でのコミュニケーションによって生まれる人間関係,感情を排した動きから生まれる感情,意図のないセリフから生まれるストーリーなど、観客の想像力とアクターの創造性が刺激されるようなゲームやエクササイズを通して,表現の可能性を探ります。 言葉や動きなど普段使っている表現をあえて閉じることで,普段は使わない感性が目覚めます。 自由な想像力と創造性の翼を得たとき,あなたのプレイバックシアターの表現はより軽やかに,より喜びに満ちた表現となるでしょう。身体や感性を使って交流するエクササイズが主ですので、英語や日本語が苦手な方にも安心してご参加頂けるように進めていきます。多種多様な国籍・文化の方々と一緒に楽しみたい方、ご参加お待ちしております。


Tomoyuki Kubota graduated from School of Playback Theatre Japan as Leadership 5th students. Clinical psychologist. He is the representative of “Little us Playback Theatre.” He has started theatre and met attractive expression of one’s self in university. He has held psycho-social workshop using drama in five countries, disaster and troubled areas granted from United Nation organization such as UNHCR. He is holding humorous workshops for people together from children to adults in Japan.

 スクールオブプレイバックシアター日本校リーダーシップ5期生,臨床心理士,Little us Playback Theatre代表。大学より演劇をはじめ,自己表現の魅力に出会う。2004年より世界5か国の被災地や紛争地域で演劇を用いた心理社会的ワークショップを展開。UNHCRなどの国連機関から助成を受けるなど高い評価を受ける。帰国後,2014年より子どもから大人まで一緒に参加できるユーモアあふれるプレイバックシアターワークショップを開催中。

D2-ev1-Ticket to the world;チケット・トゥ・ザワールド


  • Ticket to the World(Mix)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 You can know the new world if you have a ticket. How do we get the ticket? Stories about the ticket will be invited.



 The members of Ticket to the World are participants of a course held by the School of Playback Theatre Japan on November in 2016. We are from differennt places such as China, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippine, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.


D2-ev2-Living together;共に生きる


  • Playback Theatre Once(Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    Japanese 日本語


 There are many times when we feel that it is difficult to keep relationships respecting each other when there are many differences in ethnic group, languages, culture, habits, and preferences. Moreover, there are people suffering from harassments and domestic violence because it is difficult to respect each other even in the same group such as a company, school, or family. Some people may get hurt, give up the will to live, and suffer from mental disorders. 

When they are losing hope, we pray for someone, be around them, and give them courage to continue living. We hope we will be that someone for these people.


 Playback Theatre Once was established as a group for child care support in Ooita in 2012. There are more than 10 members who have different backgrounds such as a city government officer, nursery teachers, health care workers, and a chief of welfare commissioner. We have performances and workshops 10 times a year inside and outside of the city. The audiences of our performances are nursery teachers, middle high and high school students, and ordinary adults. Our performances are held in events for human rights, salons for child care, and classes in a center for gender-equal society


Day 3 - 11/5(Sun;日)

D3-W1-Intentional choice of exercises for workshops;意図を持ったエクササイズの選択


  • Naohiro Takahashi(Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Japanese 英語・日本語


 How do you make a plan for workshop? You would consider exercises in terms of the purpose and goal of workshop, the time schedule, the number of participants, the experience of expression, and so on. In this workshop, we will learn how to choose the exercises internationally. Also, we will share the exercises that participants know and try them for your new tools. This workshop is mainly suitable for those who facilitate workshops or want to deepen your knowledge of exercises' sturucture.



 "Jack Out the Box" means that expression in the theatre flies toward daily lives beyound the theatre, created by a word "jack in the box". We hold a 4-hour workshop in Tokyo once every three months. We enjoy expression through games/exercises and share each story by playback theatre as a group. We create a comfortable space by sensing the season's transition and the participants' condition in every workshop. Facilitator: Naohiro Takahashi (Nao)
 「Jack Out the Box」は,「劇場空間での表現が,その空間を超えて日常へと羽ばたいていく」そんな思いが込められた,Jack in the box(びっくり箱)からの造語である。東京都内で3カ月に1度,半日のワークショップを開催し,幅広い参加者と共に表現に親しみながら,最後には全員でストーリーを味わっている。季節の移り変わりや,参加者の状態を大切にしながら,ゆったりと楽しめる場を提供している。主催:高橋直裕(なお)

D3-W2-Laban, 5 Rhythms and Playback – A Trio To Try;ラバンの5リズム:トリオ・トゥ・トライ


  • Laura Lane Chirnside Schuster(Singapore)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English 英語


 In this workshop, we will sample Gabrielle Roth’s 5 Rhythms and Rudolf Laban’s Laban Integrated Movement System, and explore these practices in enhancing the artistry of our playback work. 

5 Rhythms is a dance practice framed by the 5 innate rhythms of flow, staccato, chaos, lyrical, and stillness. When experienced in a WAVE – each of these rhythms has its own unique quality and affinity with a body part. When experienced sequentially, there is an analogy with a story’s dramatic arc.  We will learn to recognize the Wave in movement, and in a story, so that the actor can embody a story more deeply and intuitively. 

There is so much more to Laban’s Integrated Movement System, but we will spend time looking at his Diagonal scale. His effort factors of flow, time, weight and space offer us a shared vocabulary, which can expand our choices and bring awareness to movement patterns. These possibilities will help us serve a story fully.

Finally, we will create a platform for us to apply listening deeply to the rhythms in a story, and to explore movement choices in embodying stories of others.


 Laura is an ensemble member of Tapestry Playback Theatre (Singapore) since 2011.  She teaches Expressive Arts in early childhood at the Singapore American School for 11 years. Before that, she taught dance and physical education in Jakarta, Indonesia. As she admits; she has now been ‘out of the US longer than she’s lived there – and in the certain political climate- that’s the preferred distance. She is a certified movement analyst through LIMS ( Laban integrated Movement Studies- NY, NY)  Her background is dance, theatre, physical education and she sees Playback as the common denominator that can combine all her passions for the health and edification of folk tales and bringing people together all around the world.

D3-W3-My Baby-Self Journey in Playback Theatre;プレイバックシアターにおける子どもの私の旅路(changed the title from Hey, Please Take Great Care of 3Bs—Baby You, Buddies & Basics;3つのB(


  • Ning-Hsien (aka Vincent) Yang(Taiwan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English,Mandarin 英語・北京語


Opening Story:

To your surprise, Vincent (I) would like to share a story. It was about a cute and new born baby, baby Vincent. I came to this world with blessings and highly expected hopes in my family. Grandparents’ second son among 12 siblings was extremely thrilled, and my mother was so proud to have a healthy, smiling and promising male baby. On the first night, baby Vincent had a sweet dream…. However, after 50 years, Vincent became weak, unsatisfied and unconfident. What went wrong with Vincent in the journey? As a nightmare? Let’s watch!

Workshop Purposes:

1) Remind everyone to take great care of her/him- “Self.”

2) Create a meaningful and therapeutic journey for participants.

3) Utilize Playback Theatre basics to experience a part of personal life story.

4) Find possibilities of self-healing and empowerment.

5) Try to explore creative, expressive and playful means for the participants.

Five-Stage Work Description:

I will lead the workshop for you to take great care of your- “self” through a baby’s dream, a buddy partner’s attention and a heroic journey. The workshop starts with (1) warm-ups that you will create a “baby you,” follow psychodramatic instructions to come to the very first day of your new born life, allow yourself to (2) explore problematic, chaotic, troublesome, but precious—sweet and sour days via physical work, and focus on the workshop’s main (3) work to calm down yourself to find power through expressive, creative and playback work. Then, all of you will come to empower, self-heal, or restore yourselves to take great care of baby you, buddy and others in a small group. Individually you will give baby you a promising wish that may guide baby you to possibly dream again after a 5-sense journey. Your voices for (4) sharing as well as (5) feedback will be finally collected for my further workshop development.


(1)ウォームアップ 赤ちゃんのあなたを想像し,あなたの人生の始まりの日になるよう,サイコドラマ的な教示を行う。(2)問題のある,無秩序な,面倒な,しかし貴重な,甘く酸っぱい日々を身体的なワークを通じて探索し,ワークショップの主題に焦点をあてる。(3)パワーを見出すために,表現的で,創造的で再現的なワークを通じて,落ち着きを取り戻すワークを行う。あなた方みんなが,赤ちゃんのあなたと,小グループの仲間やその他の人をケアするための,エンパワーメントと,自己ヒーリングと,自己回復に至る。あなたは赤ちゃんのあなたに祝福を与え,五感の旅の後に赤ちゃんのあなたを再び夢に誘う。あなたの声を(4)共有し,(5)さらなるワークショップの発展のためのフィードバックをしてください。


 I have been trying my very best to find and build up a good place for members. Well, I have already worked with more than 7 different Playback Theatre companies since 2011. I’m now a Playback Freelancer, but stay with a supportive group—Wonderland Project on Wednesday nights.

To be a playback trainer, practitioner and researcher has been a part of my life. After being a CPT’s graduate in August, 2016, I then took another role starting next month to be a doctoral student at NTUA: to do 1) live playback performances, 2) teach applied theatre contents, 3) present self-healing papers, 4) create therapeutic work, and 5) learn integrated curriculum for wounded people.


D3-W4-Possibility and Creativity in Playback ;プレイバックの可能性と創造性


  • Hsin-chih Chang(Taiwan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English,Mandarin 英語・中国語


 The aim of this workshop is to break the rules and try different way to listen to stories, and play the stories back. In the workshop, I will use the Playback Life Card Game, let the story teller pick up the story card, and the actors pick up the inspiration card- give form name, key words, or limitation to the actors, such as, only one actor can open his eyes, etc. I believe that every thing is all right, even if we miss something, what we can do is to trust ourselves and our team members, and we can get the power to make it right.


 Hsin-chih is an untraditional trainer, using experience learning skills, experiential art activities, outdoor activities, and playback skills to provide a learner-centered training program. She is also a free occupational therapist. In 2009, she conducted a training program for the physically and mentally handicapped, allowing them to become the actors and have a performance for their helpers and family members. Since 2015, she has conducted a 12-14 tour performance around Taiwan called ”Playing for love.” She provides playback experience to social workers, therapists, teachers, and more. It’s free to apply the performance, and each performance has a different acting team. The actors come from different areas, and everyone who joins this trip bring something unique. They all love playback, love service, love stories. The performance is not professional, but is very touching. Hsin-chih loves to try different ways and create new paths, she believes “if everyone in the world could enjoy Playback, the world will be so wonderful.” So, she tries hard to let everyone know, understand, and enjoy Playback!


D3-W5-Supervision with Psycodrama;サイコドラマによるスーパーヴィジョン


  • Yasushi Sakurai(Japan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English,日本語 英語・日本語


 While you are performing Playback Theatre, you might find roles, acting, and feelings which you are good at in enactment. On the other hand, you might find roles, feelings which you are not so good at picking up and acting, which your colleagues might mention “you act as always.” You might not feel so far, but might find an enactment didn’t work well. When you are the conductor, you might find stories which you can’t properly listen to. In this workshop, we are going to look into the moment by using psychodrama techniques and find the personal themes as well as the solution of the moment. This workshop best suits, but is not limited to, the playback practitioners who belong to a company and who have regular rehearsals and/or performances.



 Board member of Japan Psychodrama Associatiation and Tokyo Psychodrama Association. Certified Psychodramatist, and Senior member of Playback Theatre Project Knock-on. Right after finding Psychodrama, he met Jonathan Fox and has been engaged in PT in a variety of settings for more than 30 years. In this period, we founded Playback AZ with Kayo, was on the Board and was the Vice President of IPTN to bridge Playbackers all over the world.
 日本心理劇学会理事,東京サイコドラマ協会(TPA)理事,認定サイコドラマティスト。プロジェクトノッコンメンバー。サイコドラマとの出会いの直後にジョナサンに出会い,以来30年来の知見生かして活動。この間,宗像佳代らとPlayback AZ創設,IPTNの理事,副会長を務める。これらの手法が社会で更に認知が得られ,人々がよりよく生きることができるよう活動している。

D3-OP1-Walking the trauma on your own bare feet;トラウマを裸足で歩くこと

Day3  9:00-9:30

You can attend oral presentations without pre-registration.



  • Josephine Lin / Fang-Lan Yang(Taiwan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Chinese 英語,中国語


 The company, Bare Feet Alice, is established by women who have sexual trauma and concerns about sexual issues. They are different in ages, occupation, religion, sexual orientation, family environment, and social class. They are working through playback theatre as volunteers in a community. Our common goal is realization of society in which people respect their sexual differences, are aware of sexual equity, and stop sexual violence. Josephine as an instructor and Yangyoung as an early member in the company, they will share how the Bare Feet Alice became a playback company from client's trauma recovery therapy group belongs to the Garden of Hope Foundation and took the advocay work  independently from 2009 to 2017. There are mainly 3 directives: 1- The story of establishing company, 2- Use of analysis on how playback theatre is appropriate for psychological trauma as a drama therapist. 3- The experience of a company member(Yangyoung) and how she overcame and was reborn through the company.



 Shuling Lin (Josephine) graduated from the drama therapy course and became a drama therapist in the UK. She is an Accredited Trainer of Center of Playback Theatre. She has been an artistic director of Playback Theatre Company of Taiwan since returning to Taiwan. She is working for various groups. She likes challenging and stimulating things. On the other hand, she likes peaceful things like a typical Libra. She hopes to interact with people from related fields and renew the company through sharing.

Fang-Lan Yang (Yangyoung) is 57 years old and married, and has 2 daughters. She is a junior student in the department of life science, National Open University. She has explored herself and healed since joining the company, Bare Feet Alice, through Playback theatre. She supports people who try to overcome their sexual trauma with her own experience. She said, “I love life deeply. I hope to imagine more possibilities through sharing with Josephine.

 喬色分Shuling Lin(Josephine):イギリスでドラマセラピー訓練を受けて卒業,セラピストとなり(国際プレイバックシアターのトレーニング講師合格),2003年に帰国後,台湾プレイバック劇団を創設し芸術監督を務める。現在さまざまなドラマセラピーを活用している仕事をしており,挑戦的,刺激的な物事を好むが,同時に平穏で強調を好む標準的な天秤座。分かち合いを通し,関係する領域の皆さんと交流し,劇団を更新していきたいと願っている。

 Fang-Lan Yang(Yang young):現在57歳。既婚。娘が二人。目下,空中大学生活科学学科3年生として在籍中。2009年,「裸足のアリス」劇団に加入して以来,プレイバックを通して,自己探索並びに癒しを行っている。性的トラウマを乗り越えた経験を通し,同じ遭遇にあった人々を支援している。彼女のコメントは,「生命を深く愛しています。今回,喬色分監督との分かち合いで更なる可能性を想像できるよう願っています」とコメントしている。

D3-OP2-The Babaylan as Embodiment of Playback Theatre Conductor;プレイバックシアターのコンダクターの体現者としてのBabaylan

Day3 9:30-10:00

You can attend oral presentations without pre-registration.



  • Maria Fabella Fajardo (Fhabi)(Phillippines)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Filipiino 英語・フィリピン語


 Dr. Jonathan Fox would usually refer to the shamanic characteristics of playback theatre conductors. In one of his articles, he mentioned the characteristic of a griot, which is part of a conductor’s role. In the Philippines, we have a figure known as a Babaylan. A Babaylan is both a shaman and a griot, and more besides. In pre-colonization period, the Babaylan was recognized as one of the four pillars of society, along with the Datu (Chieftain), Bayani (Warrior) and Panday (Swordsmith). The Babaylan was the priestess, the prophet and the poetess. This presentation will have a brief talk on the Philippine Babaylan as shaman – the medium between the spirit world and the physical world; the healer, being the repository of medical lore; the prophet that foretells the signs of the times; the intermediator or community reconciler; and as griot – the keeper of the culture’s memory as epic teller. The Babaylan also serves as community leader and intermediary in conflict resolution in the society. The figure of the Babaylan continues to the present day and is the last resort when institutions, whether of health or governance, break down. The Babaylan has all the characteristics of an effective conductor in playback theatre -- being the facilitator, intermediary and sometimes medium or “healer” in a workshop or performance. Thus, the Babaylan embodies all of what we aspire for as conductors of playback theatre. This presentation will also relate stories of how the characteristics of a Babaylan is practiced in our group.
 ジョナサンフォックスは,プレイバックシアターのコンダクターのシャーマンとしての性質について述べています。彼の論文に,語り部(グリオ)の特徴が書かれていて,それはコンダクターの役割の一部です。フィリピンでは, Babaylanとして知られている形があり,これはシャーマンであり,語り部であり,他のものでもあります。植民地化以前の時代に,Babaylanhaは,Datu(指導者),Bayani(勇者),Panday(刀鍛冶)と共に,社会の4つの柱の一つと認識されていました。Babaylanは尼僧であり,女司祭であり,女流詩人でした。この発表は,シャーマン(魂の世界と物理的世界の媒介,癒しの人,医の伝承の宝庫となる人,語り部,叙事詩としての文化的記憶の番人)としてのフィリピンBabaylanについての概要です。Babaylanは,地域のリーダーとして,社会の紛争解決の仲介人でもあります。Babaylan の形は今日でも続いており,健康またはガバナンスがどうであるかにかかわらず,それが壊れるとき,最後の手段になります。Babaylanは,プレイバックシアターの効果的なコンダクターの性質をすべて持ち合わせています。ファシリテータになり,ワークショップや公演では,時には仲介者や「癒しの人」として間に入ります。Babaylanは,プレイバックシアターのコンダクターとして私たちが何を身に付けなければならないことを備えています。Babaylanの性質が私たちのグループでどのように生かされているかに関するストーリーも報告します。


 Maria Fabella Fajardo is fondly called Fhabi, a nickname she got from friends in the University of the Philippines where she studied Creative Writing in Filipino. She is an advocate of good governance. She is now a consultant on media and publications at the Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture (ISACC). She is also a member of the Peace and Conflict Journalism Network (PECOJON) - Philippine chapter. 

Fhabi was in the batch of 2016 Leadership Course of the Centre for Playback Theatre. Just before that, in the same year, she founded Dulambuhay Philippine Playback Theatre. 

 ファビは,フィリピン大学時代の友人がつけたニックネームで,大学ではフィリピン人における創作を研究した。ファビは良好なガバナンスのアドボケイトであり,アジアの教会と文化における研究所(ISACC)のメディアと出版のコンサルタントである。平和と紛争ジャーナリズムネットワーク(PECOJPN)フィリピン部門の会員でもある。2016年にCentre for Playback Theatreのリーダーシップコースを修了した。同年,ドュラムブハイ・フィリピン・プレイバックシアターを設立。

D3-P1-Monopoly Playback;モノポリープレイバック


  • Even Near Playback Theatre(Taiwan)
  • Languages the leader can use
    Chinese,Taiwanese 中国語・台湾語


 This is an experimental performance. We try to use different popular Taiwanese drama or movie genres in our performance. Just like a Monopoly game, we will let “opportunity and fate” decide which genre is for which story. We want to create a playful atmosphere in the whole show, and explore the core essentials in stories by different ways of dramatic expression. Because drama genres are chosen by those popular in Taiwan, it will be quite culturlly dependent. But we do believe the core essential of the story and expression is cross cultural. We invite you join us to play and explore it!


Even Near Theatre is one of the oldest playback theatres in Taiwan. It was founded in 2004. In the past 13 years, we had been devoted to the promotion and refinement of playback theatre in Taiwan. We regularly have 4 seasonal performances every year. We hold different kinds of workshop to enhance our playback practice skill. We try to fuse the clown in playback theatre. We apply playback theatre in the inner world, such as exploring dreams, but also big social context, such as gender issue and elder issues. We held an Asia Playback Gathering in 2009.


D3-P2-Meeting Unknown ;未知との遭遇


  • Friends(China)
  • Languages the leader can use
    English, Chinese 英語・中国語


 Encounter with the unknown    How much joy    How much fears  

Dance of destiny  Who lead   We and destiny   Who is the host

In the theatre,    Let's hear the stories from the heart.
未知との遭遇 どれほど楽しいか どれほど怖いか 

運命の舞 誰が導いているのか 私たちと運命 主催者は誰なのか 

その劇場で 心から生まれたストーリーを聞きましょう。


 Friends playback theatre: Established in 2009. Friends playback theatre is the first group that claims to focus on playback theatre and had weekly rehearsals in China. We gave a collaborative Performamce with playback AZ in 2011. We gave Performances in Xinghai Concert Hall and Guangzhou Grand Theatre for 300-500 people in 2013-2015. Meanwhile, we hold trainings and performances for education, community, and different social activism groups. Friends playback theatre  believe every story of life deserves to be heard and seen. People are closer to each other for they can understand each other more.